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Mission Statement

Cyber Events – Not “If” But “When”

Cyber-attacks on organizations are no longer a question of “if” but of “when”. These include a wide range of incidents at varying severity levels such as: data breaches, ransomware, sophisticated service disruptions and even CEO fraud.

Innovative technologies like artificial intelligence further increase risks and exposures for organizations.

A large-scale cyber event combines multiple fronts – business and technological continuity, reputation and PR, internal organizational state and more. However, the front that may determine the organization's fate is the legal front. 

Although most companies will overcome the technological aspects of a crisis, many are likely to fail or even go bankrupt the "day after" – legally speaking. 

Therefore –

Effective defense necessitates legal preparedness and risk reduction starting at early crisis response stages. This is where we come into play – as specialists in managing cyber crises with extensive experience in law enforcement and state authorities. 

Preparedness and planning are key for minimizing risks across all fronts. Professional training and incident response plans will allow your organization to mitigate exposures in the legal sphere as well. 

Intact is one of the leading firms in Israel in prevention, response, recovery and legal risk management services regarding cyber crises. We aim to empower organizations and their leaders to effectively manage cyber risks and incidents, by leveraging our long-standing expertise from law enforcement and legal counsel for senior executives. Through a proactive and holistic approach focused on readiness, resilience, restoration and protection, and forward thinking regarding personal and organizational legal implications for officers, we envision helping create a more secure digital environment where disruptive cyber events are rare and manageable without legal repercussions.


We are here for you – before, during and after any cyber event.

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